Ranked List by Poverty and Unemployment Rates

Locations are ranked according to how "far" from 0% 0% they are in comparison with others. Meaning, if you draw a straight line from 0, 0 on the comparison graph to where that location falls on the graph, the longer that line is the higher rank (higher in the list below) it will be. So #1 is the location furthest from 0,0 on the graph. Now this is modified a little because typical unemployment is around 4.3% while typical poverty rate is around 13%, so we added "weights" explained below that act to "stretch out" one axis or the other.

Using the options, you can change this weight of poverty rate or unemployment rate. The weight is what determines how "important" one stat is over the other, the weight is used as a multiplier. The default is weight of 2 for unemployment, 1 for poverty rate, meaning 1% unemployment is worth 2 and 1% of poverty rate is worth 1. So for example, if you think that (just as an example) poverty rate should not count very much compared to unemployment, you could make weight for poverty 1 and weight for unemployment 5. Or another example, if you think unemployment should not be a factor at all and only want a list ranked by poverty rate, set poverty rate weight to 1 and unemployment weight to 0. In the options you can also change how long the list is, and whether existing promise zones are included (in red) in the list or not.

Note that the rates listed in the list below are the original rates, the weight only affects the order of the list.